The series includes 12 works devoted to 12 opera heroines. It was created during 2015-2017 by a union of two professionals: a photography master Enzo Rosamilia and an actress and an opera singer Elena Berera.
The artistic association of the two masters gives us the opportunity to see the familiar opera images from a different perspective. All the heroines are the best examples of female images of world poetry: Rosina, Salome, Madama Butterfly, Tatyana, Carmen. Elena performs their arias on the professional stage. Each of these women sacrifices herself on the love altar. Independence is an integral form of existence for them. The models fill each image with their charisma and energy, inviting us to another world, where innocence and shame coexist, intricately intertwining, where the naked body is a challenge.
The size of works is 100×100 см. Technique: film photography, subsequent printing on museum-quality canvas.